2010粉樂町藝術家工作坊-Wayne Warren
Wayne Warren(韋恩.沃倫)是位創作抽象畫及各類複合媒材的英國當代藝術家,目前居住與工作都在Hertfordshire (赫特福德郡)。他喜歡試驗不同的材料和並且在任何人事物中尋找靈感,並在近幾年開始進行3D的創作。[註]

Wayne Warren這次來台灣參與2010粉樂町及藝術家工作坊的活動:
■ 時間:7/17(六)14:00~15:30
■ 地點:太平洋SOGO百貨復興館(綠色棟)
■ 藝術家:Wayne Warren (英國)
■ 內容:將現成物黏縫在洋裝或包包上,再噴上充滿高級時尚感的金漆,就能與藝術家一起「點石成金」!02

這是Wayne Warren在這次粉樂町中所展出的作品之一-Golden Dress。

Wayne Warren這一系列的創作,便是將本來不起眼的生活用品,拼貼上了一些不被需要的垃圾,最後噴上金漆,搖身一變成為高級的藝術品。其實藝術創作的靈感真的就來自於生活周遭一切人、事、物,用心觀察便會產生許多樂趣。

(此系列在東區vivienne westwood旗艦店可以看到)


Wayne Warren非常和藹可親,他很仔細的到每桌巡視、教學與給予建議。只是我們因為能用的材料有限,腦筋僵化沒啥靈感,只好隨意拿了東西就開始亂黏XD
2010粉樂町藝術家工作坊-Wayne Warren
我和獅子一整個就是很混亂。我隨意的黏了兩個小主體,但又覺得空虛的很,完全看不出所以然,沒想到Wayne Warren一來,就直接拿起我那兩個小主體,放上了旁邊的包包上,立刻就成為一件完整的作品,果然大師就是不同凡響!(但我後來介紹作品的時候整個大心虛啊XD)
2010粉樂町藝術家工作坊-Wayne Warren

[註]Wayne Warren的原文全文介紹:

Whether a painting is abstract or figurative does not concern established artist Wayne Warren. Rather Warren’s painting and print making focuses on the act of making marks on the canvas. The artist enjoys experimenting with different materials and is driven by the desire to look for things inside other things.

This is evinced in Warren’s most recent work. Finding stimulus in words and phrases, he uses them as a point of departure. He offers a lucid response to the evasive nature of language: if, as his project implies, words can no longer hold or contain their original meaning, his marks on the canvas lay them open to new, visual interpretations.

Warren admits to being influenced by the British painter Roger Hilton. Perhaps this accounts for the artist’s use of rich colour and textures. However, it is Warren’s affinity with Hilton’s belief that ‘abstraction in itself is nothing. It is only a step towards a new sort of figuration, that is, one which is more true” (Hilton, 1961) which explains why his work oscillates between figuration and abstraction so effortlessly, whilst continuing to maintain a fresh quality and sense of humour.

In the last two years Warren’s practice has extended into 3D. These assemblages and cast sculptures, often presented in perspex boxes, continue the exploration of his previous work’s themes.

Wayne Warren官方網站-

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